Additive Products

Supplying Powders To The Additive Manufacturing Industry in The UK and Ireland


Distributors On Behalf Of

VBC are thrilled to announce that they have signed a distributor agreement with Tekna. VBC is now the distributor of their AM powders to the UK and Ireland

Tekna produce advanced material powders that meet the most demanding criteria in industrial quantities.

Their micrometric powders are highly pure and perfectly spherical, ensuring they have high density and high flow rate.

Proprietary & unique plasma technology able to provide both atomization &  spheroidization solutions.

Added value on powder characteristics:

  • Density / Satellite-free / High flowability / High packing density = key for AM requirements 

Thanks to their extremely accurate control tools, this means that all powders reach levels of high performance and innovation that will suit your specific requirements, today and tomorrow. 

Tekna powders are approved and used on  all types of 3D printers.

AM Powder Product Range

Alongside  custom size ranges we offer the following Powder Sizes: 

  • 05 - 25
  • 15 - 45
  • 20 - 53
  • 20 – 63
  • 45 – 105
  • + 105 um
  • Ti 6Al-4V gr 5


  • AlSi7Mg
  • AlSi10Mg


  • Ni718
  • Ni625
  • HX


  • Tantalum
  • Tungsten
  • Molybdenum

Contact VBC today to discuss your requirements

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